Hey Friday!

Hey hey friends!! Happy Friday!! 

Anyone else need a high five for making it to the end of the week!?! 

Fun fact about me: I congratulate myself every night :) I go through all the "wins" of the day and literally say things like: "Good job on packing the kids' lunches!" "You made dinner, got everyone fed, cleaned the kitchen and the laundry started. WAY to GO." 
"You had a really good conversation with the kids- GREAT JOB!"

As a highly productive person who struggles at times with attaching my worth to what I do- this exercise really helps me stay grounded and it focuses on all the things I do that have a positive impact- even on those days where I feel like I got NOTHING done. 

So here's your encouragement to literally and figuratively "high five" yourself on a regular basis!!
Okay...let's talk about some FAVORITES of mine from this past week!!

First up is my "Weekly Walmart Finds" post from this week. You can find it HERE
This week's theme was all the things you need to create a beautiful, peaceful bedroom. 
I had SO much fun finding so many lovely items that would be so lovely in a guest or master bedroom!
Do ya'll read Whitney's blog, the Polka Dotty Place? If you don't, you should! 
Whitney is a RAY of sunshine and I just love all the ideas she shares on her blog. 
I really enjoyed reading her post about how she's teaching her youngest son to be a helper around the house. 
You can find it HERE!
It got me thinking of all the ways we've got our boys involved in helping around the house. It's really incredible what kids are capable of- you just have to take the time to train and teach them!! It takes A LOT of consistent effort- but the rewards are SO worth it. 
Anyway- I love Whitney and her blog is a huge FAVORITE of mine!

Ok. I have two beauty products I am LOVING lately: 

1) Moroccan Oil dry shampoo 
2) Isle of Paradise face self tanning drops

I just finished my bottle of Amika dry shampoo and decided I wanted to give Moroccan Oil's dry shampoo a try. I got the one that is meant for darker hair and I REALLY love it. It's not heavy, it smells wonderful and I feel like it works really well without making my hair feel super crusty! Ya'll know what I mean ;) You can find it HERE on Amazon!

I know I can't be the only one who feels SO pasty and white. I keep looking in the mirror and just shake my head. HA! I need some SUN. Thank goodness for self tanner facial drops. I have been using the Isle of Paradise brand for several years now and I just love those drops so much. They give me just enough color to make me feel like I look alive! HA! I use them every other day to keep a nice base level of color on my face! You can find them HERE on Amazon! 
FYI: I use the "dark" color. They also have a "medium" color!
And finally, I wanted to share these SUPER SIMPLE hoop earrings! I got them a couple of months ago and literally wear them almost EVERY day. They are incredibly light weight and so far, have not tarnished at all! I got them in the white gold plated metal. I also got my daughter a pair of the gold plated- and she loves them! I got the 40 mm size and I think I am going to get the 50 mm size. You can find them HERE on Amazon!

Did ya'll catch my post from Monday? I shared about how our family navigates our kids' activities and sports! You can check it out HERE if you want!

Are ya'll excited about the Super Bowl??? Who do you think is going to win??
I am not a Swiftie- but I am a big fan of LOVE- so I am excited to see if Taylor can make it to the game to cheer on her man!! We're cheering on the Chiefs to see if they can win this thing two times in a row!!! Who are you cheering for?? It's going to be such a great game!!

Hope you a FABULOUS Friday and a WONDERFUL weekend!!
I will see you back here on Monday!!
Linking up with from Andrea and Erica for Friday Favorites!!!  


  1. Love those earrings. A simple hoop is always my go-to.

    I'm a Chiefs fan (of 30+ years) and a swifty so I'll give you one guess who I'm rooting for!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Congratulating your things on all of your wins throughout the day is a great thing to do! I should try it!
    I have used Moroccan Oil products in the past but didn't know they did a dry shampoo! I need to try that!
    I have no idea about the Superbowl although I will probably watch the start of the coverage before I go to bed and then catch up with the half time show the next day.

  3. Of course, I love Whitney's blog. It's always a highlight! I want to try the dry shampoo! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I love that you congratulate yourself each day! I may need to try this to help me before I go to bed each night. I am a fan of those tanning drops as well. Have a good weekend!

  5. Thanks for the super sweet shout out!! I do love having good helpers around the house and the kids really like having jobs (most of the time :). I love those hoop earrings! That's almost all I wear these days. I'll have to check out that pair for Spring!


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