Hello Monday!

Hey hey friends!!

Happy Monday!!!
I am back after a lovely spring break with my family!!
We had the best week, spending lots of time together.

Let me catch you up on what we've been up to! 

On Good Friday, Aaron and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary. We went to Good Friday church services and then came home and enjoyed dinner together in our dining room while the kids had pizza and watched a movie in the living room. I told Aaron there wasn't anywhere I would rather be than with him and our kids at home!
We always color eggs the day before Easter. We lucked out with the weather and it was beautiful! The kids colored eggs outside and they turned out SO bright and FUN!
I made bunny cake for Easter Sunday dessert and the girls decorated it! I thought they did such a good job this year!! 
Easter Sunday was beautiful. We went to church and then went to my mom's house for dinner. It was a lovely day!!
On Monday, we headed down to Sneads Ferry, North Carolina. It is a sleepy little town about 10 minutes away from North Topsail Island. 

We took lots of walks down to the boat dock to fish and just enjoy the beautiful water!
The kids played many games of Monopoly Deal. Things got quite heated at times! HA!

About six months ago, Aaron bought a boat from an older gentleman. It was an old boat that ran great- it just needed A LOT of cleaning and cosmetic work done to it. Over the past couple of months, Aaron has been working super hard to fix it up. I really don't know how he does it! He can fix/build/repair literally anything!! We took the boat out for the first time one afternoon and it was so fun. The weather was less than ideal- it was SUPER windy, the water was very choppy, and it was pretty chilly on the water. Didn't matter to us- we were just so excited to be out on our boat! We are SO pumped to take out it out a bunch this summer!
Some other fun things we did: 
- we took a trip to Dairy Queen after dinner one night to get ice cream treats for dessert!
- we visited Aaron at work and then went to a super cute local coffee shop for yummy coffee drinks!
- we went to the local library- it was so cute and the kids loved checking out a new library!
- we went to the beach to catch the sunset!
It really was the BEST week. I told Aaron I felt like we were in our own little "bubble" and I just LOVED it. We watched TV together every night and got really into shark documentaries. HA! The kids hung out a ton together and I just loved listening to their random conversations! 
It was such a gift to be together with no distractions and no where to be!!

We got back to Raleigh on Friday and spent the weekend doing all the "weekendy" things like cleaning, laundry and going to the grocery store. Aaron and I braved Costco on Saturday morning and I remembered to take pictures of what we bought!! I will share what we got in a blog post later this week. 

Aaron also spent the majority of the weekend working on our "pool deck beautification" project. I have to give everything a name. HA! I can't wait to show ya'll the finished product soon!

And now it's Monday! The kids are happy to be back at school and I am excited to have some time to take care of things that need to get done. 

I actually got my act together and planned out our meals!
Here's what we are having for dinner this week!

I love Mondays. Do you? I love that fresh start feeling!

I have a few goals I want to accomplish this week:

1) Start Ben Alldis' Stronger You 2 program on Peloton. I have already done Ben's first "Stronger You" program and I have been wanting to do his second edition of the program. It's 4 weeks long. I am looking forward to having my strength training classes already planned out for me! All I have to do is select the class and push play. I LOVE this because I DO NOT love strength training. Taking out the guess work of what classes I should do is so helpful for me!

2) Finish two CEU courses. I really like to stay ahead of my continuing education hours...it's VERY easy for me to just push it aside and then realize I am WAY behind where I should be!

3) Get our house ready for guests! We are having some friends come stay with us for an overnight on Friday. I am a much better human when I do a few things each day getting our house cleaned up and ready- versus saving everything for the day before guests arrive. I mean- don't get me wrong- I will still be a psycho and not let anyone use the bathrooms I have cleaned- but I will be a nice psycho. HA!

What about ya'll? What does your week look like? Pretty "normal?" 
Do you have a schedule full of kids' sports' practices and games? Busy work week? Lots of housework to catch up on?

Whatever you have going on...
I hope it's a great, mostly drama free, everyone stays healthy kind of week!
Hope you have the BEST day friends!


  1. What a fun week and the family looks so beautiful on Easter!

    1. Oh thank you!!! Easter pictures are my favorite :) :)

  2. It sounds like such a fun week. Aaron really CAN do anything. Y'all will have so much fun on the boat!

    1. We are SO excited for more boating adventures!!

  3. You have such a beautiful family! Your eggs turned out so great. Sounds like a really fun weekend!

    1. Thank you!!! We used gel food coloring- so we honestly weren't sure how they would turn out- but it worked great!

  4. I could write a book on this post!!
    It truly brought so much “me too” joy reading it!! I have made and love the bunny cake for years. We have an 11, 15, and 18 and colored eggs yet again this year and I was thinking are we the only ones still doing this :)
    And, kid you not, my husband did the same thing (older boat, great deal, lots of elbow grease needed, and we too had the same maiden voyage) with a boat 2 years ago. We love, I mean love our days on the water. So happy for you all!!


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