Weekly Meal Plan + Monday Musings

Happy Monday!!

Am I the only one having trouble wrapping her head around the fact that it is OCTOBER?
Like, we officially have THREE months left of this year?!?
We had a lovely weekend...Friday night we got together with my brother and his family and my mom to celebrate my daughter and nephew getting confirmed. 
The food was great and so was the company :)

Saturday was spent getting the house cleaned- I gave our downstairs a good re-set and it felt SO good. My oldest daughter and I met up with my mom for coffee in the afternoon at a super cute coffee shop in downtown Wake Forest- which was SO fun! 
Saturday evening Aaron and I watched, Kelce, the documentary about Jason Kelce. 
We both REALLY liked it. 

Sunday was church in the morning and all the random things we do on Sunday to get ready for the week. 
The weather was BEAUTIFUL the entire weekend...
I am telling you- I love living in the North Carolina! Fall is exceptionally delightful here!

I got a plan together for our meals this week! I have a lot of what we need already in our freezer and pantry- but I will have to get to the grocery store to get a few things!

So I am curious if I am the only one who does this: 
lighting a new candle is a "reward" for me after I clean. HA! 
Do you do this? 
Saturday, after I got the downstairs cleaned- I lit this candle I picked up at Walmart and it smells SO good!! I love this line of candles that Walmart carries- they are super affordable (just under $13) and smell SO good!
I saw this quote and just had to share it!
My husband and I go for a 3.5 mile walk EVERY Sunday. It's a non-negotiable for us! We will walk in 100 degree weather as well as when it's raining or snowing!
We go to church, come home and have cinnamon rolls together as a family. 
Then, Aaron and I will go on our walk.
I truly think it is one of the best things we do for our marriage and we both look forward to it so much! We talk about anything and everything. We discuss upcoming decisions we need to make, we talk about things regarding our kids, we talk about projects we want to do and we also just walk in silence and completely enjoy just being with each other. 
I really can't recommend a regular walking date with your husband/partner enough!
(and if you have kiddos that can't stay home by themselves while you go on a walk- strap those babies/toddlers in a stroller and get to walking! That was our life for so years!:)

Being outside, walking with your favorite person...it's SO good for the soul!!

ALSO- I feel like this is important to share. While this hasn't been the case for Aaron and I for quite some time- there was a season where A LOT of our walks were filled with hard conversations, arguments and not so great silences. But you know what? We kept going on our walks. Even when it wasn't easy breezy. 
And that act of showing up- not just when it was easy- is SO powerful!

Okay- off to get this Monday started!!

Hope you have the BEST day!! 
Here's to an amazing start to our week!!


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