Mid-Month Confessions!
Hi! It is the 15th of the month and I am linking up with Heather and Elizabeth today to share some random confessions :)
So- I wake up every morning at 5 am. While I am never a fan of the alarm going off- I am always so thankful I choose to get up an hour before the rest of my family. That one hour is SO important for me! I write my blog post for the day, read my devotional books, check my favorite blogs and sip on coffee. It seriously is one of my favorite times of day! Anyway- this morning- when my alarm went off- I was like UM. NO. I hit snooze and it went off again 5 minutes later. And I just couldn't get myself out of bed. I was unusually tired and just gave myself a pass for waking up early. Well...I had to get up at 6 to get my kids ready for school and I will tell you what....mama without her "power hour" is not a pretty sight. I am embarrassed to say I was a complete crab and lost it several times with my girls before we even left for school. Not at all one of my prouder parenting moments. I knew how important it was to wake up before my family- but after this morning's shenanigans- I now know it is an absolute MUST. No more snooze button for me! :)
Do you read Christina's blog?? I have been absolutely blown away and inspired by her honesty in sharing about her upcoming surgery and recovery. She is such an example of faith and a light for so many in the same situation as her. I don't know her personally, but if I happened to run into her at the grocery store (not going to happen since I live in Indiana and she is in North Carolina :), I would give her a huge hug!
My husband was born and raised in Texas and there are so many foods he grew up eating that I have never even tried! One of them being Frito Pie. I was recently reading Kate's blog and she mentioned that she had made Pioneer Woman's Frito Pie recipe and it was delicious. Well...I went and checked out PW's recipe...and I am totally making these ASAP. Chili, salty fritos and cheese. DONE!

I am counting down the days until next Tuesday, when Red Box adds Pitch Perfect 2 to its rental list!!! My husband and I LOVE Pitch Perfect (we have watched way more times than I can count) and are so excited to see Pitch Perfect 2!! We are super cheap and are waiting for it to come out on Red Box for $1.20 versus the steep $5 Amazon is charging right now to rent it. Seriously. we.are.so.cheap.

That's about all the random I have for now :) I have about 45 minutes before I have to wake up my two "babies" (I use quotations because I don't think my 3 year old technically falls into the baby category anymore) to go pick up my two older daughters from school. Then we are headed to the pediatrician's office for flu shots for the WHOLE crew! YAY! Shots for all! What a fun way to end our day! HA!
Hope you all are having a wonderful day!!
That Frito Pie sounds G.O.O.D. I will forward this to my wife and cross my fingers... BTW, I love your blog! You are so upbeat and its a great way for me to start my day. Hope you have a fantastic weekend!