"Momfessional" Moments!
I am breaking the rules (I am such a REBEL) and linking up with Andrea's Show 'n' Tell Tuesday- one day late- to share some "momfessional" moments!

I had such a fun time reading about my friends' "mom confessions" yesterday- I just had to join in on the fun!
I recycle or throw away almost EVERYTHING my kids bring home from school or make at the gym daycare or story time at the library. Like literally- I open up their folders from school and stand by my paper recycling container and drop everything in there. There are MANY occasions where one of my daughters ask where her "favorite space picture" is and one of my other daughters replies by saying, "It's in recycling!!" HA!
I can't stand clutter and my girls just bring home SO many papers and pieces of "artwork." I probably keep 1-2 special pieces from each school year- but the rest- is you guessed- in the recycling bin!
I regularly bribe my 18 month old to get in his carseat by giving him a Hershey Kiss. He LOVES unwrapping them as well as eating them AND they allow me to buckle him into his carseat tantrum free. Aint' no shame in my game!
If my son happens to have an unpleasant diaper situation take place and I know my husband will be home from work in the next 10-15 minutes- I totally pretend like I don't know he has a dirty diaper. And then once my husband gets home, I will causally ask him if he could see if James needs a diaper change. My little boy is about the most precious baby you have ever met- but his diapers are YUCKY. I try to avoid changing them at all costs! HA!
Feeding my kids dinner (and really if I am being honest, breakfast and lunch too) is probably my least favorite thing about being a parent- HA! Why do kids always have to be SOOOO hungry?? In general- I am not a big fan of cooking- and really the only reason I meal plan and have dinner ready every night is because my husband really appreciates it and is ALWAYS super hungry.
I, on the other hand, could eat a salad or sandwich for dinner every night.
So- you can guarantee if my husband isn't going to be home for dinner- my kids are either having peanut butter or cheese sandwiches with applesauce! And the best thing is- my older girls know this about me now!! HA! When Aaron is gone for a business trip or working late- one of them will ask me what's for dinner and the other one will reply- "Well...Daddy's not going to be home- so I bet we are having peanut butter sandwiches!" Why yes- you are absolutely right about that! HA!
Hahaha! These are fantastic! No shame in my game either. :)
ReplyDeleteSO fun!! I too am a pitcher of all things paper and craft that come into our house. I do try to wait a day or two on extravagant items - and keep a few of their best - but 95% hit the trash!! Haha and cracking up on your "diaper delay"!!
ReplyDeleteI have a folder that we save my daughter's artwork in... it then is used as fire starters when we use our fire-pit. Something about that construction paper and the wax just really gets a good campfire going haha
ReplyDeleteYES! Haha!! Absolutely love it! :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! :)
DeleteThese are funny!! Love them all!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd this is why we are friends!! I am guilty of ALL of the above! I don't know what it is about those papers but they never even get a chance to sit on my counter! I feel this immediate need to get them in the recycling garbage as quick as ever!! And you introduced my to bribing with smarties! Do you remember that?? I often. Carry a package or two of smarties in my pocket at the airport or even the grocery store!:). Love all these confessions:)
ReplyDeleteAnd this is why we are friends!! I am guilty of ALL of the above! I don't know what it is about those papers but they never even get a chance to sit on my counter! I feel this immediate need to get them in the recycling garbage as quick as ever!! And you introduced my to bribing with smarties! Do you remember that?? I often. Carry a package or two of smarties in my pocket at the airport or even the grocery store!:). Love all these confessions:)