Tuesday Talk!

Hi!! Happy Tuesday!!!

I took a little break from posting the last few days because my girls were on Fall Break and we took a little trip to visit my parents in Central Illinois!

Aaron had to work- so he couldn't come with us. Jobs can be SO annoying. HA!
This was the 2nd time I have taken a trip solo with all 5 of my kiddos- and they did great! I mean- they do your typically ask to eat a snack every other minute and want to know if we are in another state before we are even out of our own town....but other than that- they are great little travelers!!

We really didn't do anything "big" while we were visiting my parents...the weather was gorgeous- so we spent most of our time outside!  Even though I talk to my mom almost every day- I don't really get to see her that often- so just to have a couple days of "in-person" interaction with her and my dad- really did my heart some good :)

The one outing we took the kids on was to Meijer (it's like a super Walmart in that they have EVERYTHING). OMG. That was the worst idea EVER. Every single one of my kids (minus Marshall- who is an angel baby) decided to show their TRUE COLORS and I was soooooo PERTURBED. HA!  James threw one of his most epic tantrums ever, one of my daughters spent a good 10 minutes whining because they didn't have the cereal bars she wanted and another daughter "accidentally" dropped a glass container with a FISH inside of it." That was a real fun conversation I got to have with the manager! HA!
Needless to say- we made it out alive- BARELY.

This is the one picture I took of them at the store...don't let the cute way they are looking at the fish fool you! HA!
We got back to Indianapolis on Saturday afternoon- and we were all SO TIRED. The boys took a nap, Aaron took the girls out to run a few errands and for the first time in about 6 months, I RESTED. Like- I took a shower, got snuggled up in my bed and did NOTHING for about 2 hours. I even dozed off for a little bit. It was glorious and much needed :)

Sunday, I got us all unpacked and all the clean laundry put away.  I didn't have to do any cleaning- because my hubby got all of that done while we were gone!! Talk about AWESOME. He's the best :)

I tried out a new recipe- and I am going to share it with you later this week!!!
All I have to say is- 5 ingredient- gluten free (and can be dairy free) peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. SO SO GOOD!!! Be on the lookout for the EASIEST recipe on how to make them!
After the boys got up from their naps, we headed out to go on a family hike!
The weather was absolutely GORGEOUS on Sunday and after a busy couple of days traveling and visiting my parents- I just felt like we needed some fresh air and time spent outside!
There is a nature preserve really close to our house- and there are lots of trails to explore. All of the trails are really easy- which makes is so great for the kids! 
Look at this STUNNING picture of the woods!!! Seriously- it was a GLORIOUS day! 
We had the best time on our hike! Getting some exercise, feeling the warm sunshine on our faces, hearing the leaves crunch under our feet...it was the perfect way to spend our Sunday afternoon!
And now we are already back in the full swing of things....and I can't believe Halloween is next Monday!!! Hands down...October might win the award for being the month that flew by the fastest this year! HA!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and your week is off to a great start so far!!!

Have the BEST day!
Okay- now it's time to link up with my favorite ladies for Tuesday Talk! 

Just a few things to remember: 

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Stephanie at Wife Mommy Me | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Becky at BYBMG | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Whitney at Polka Dotty Place | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram

Full Hands Full Heart

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  1. Don't you just love when your kids act like that at the same time and you feel like telling everyone, "They're not usually like this!!" We've all been there! Parenting is so fun!!
    Those cookies look yummy. Can't wait for the recipe! Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  2. Bless your heart!! I have been there and I only have 2! It's like they team up against me and make it the worse outing ever! HA.
    Oh my goodness, I can't imagine the conversation about the fish. 😂
    Happy Tuesday friend.

  3. Oh Justine!! We've all been there when our kids act out in stores. I'm so glad you were able to spend time with your parents. What a beautiful nature preserve that you went to! We have one as well not far from our house, but we haven't been yet this year. That may be on the agenda soon =)
    Have a great Tuesday!!! And so glad you are back to blogging, I missed your posts the last few days =)

  4. Isn't Meijer a great store?? We just got one and shop there regularly. So sorry that your kids were keeping things interesting for you... I LOL'd at that fish story. What an adventure - did they just plop the fish in another tank??!! Glad that Marshall was such a sweetie for you. We've had some epic meltdowns at Meijer so I feel your pain. Glad you were able to visit family and still have a fun family weekend at home. Best of both worlds! Your two hours of rest sounds amazing... I think I'll ask for that for my birthday - ha!

  5. Two hours is a good start, but you need more like two weeks. The fish story....oh boy. We've all been there. Except, when it happens to me, I swear there is always one of my students, former clients, or another mom from church I don't know that well in the store right around the corner to witness my special angel's meltdown. I swear! Every time! So your crew must've just amped things up for Baba :)

  6. I missed you here in the blog-o-sphere! Glad you had a good visit with your family! And I'm so happy that you got a nice nap over the weekend. I can't wait for your cookie recipe, and what a great family selfie on your walk. Have a great Tuesday!


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