Prime Purchases!

Hey friends!! 
Happy Tuesday!! I hope your week is off to a great start!!

I am a day behind linking up with my blog friend Tanya and her monthly "Prime Purchases" link up! I definitely have a random bunch of things that I purchased this past month!!

First up are these Scrub Daddy sponges. I wanted some sponges that wouldn't fall apart or get gross within 2 weeks of using them- so on a whim, I decided to try these out! So far, I really like them!! There is a VERY substantial "scrubbing" side and good thick sponge side. I will be curious to see how long one of them lasts before I need to replace it with a new one!  You can find them HERE!
Every morning, I have my coffee in our "reading room" (essentially a living room) and I curl up in my in my comfy chair with my favorite blanket. As the weather has gotten warmer, my blanket has become too much for me. It's a medium weight fleece blanket and it's a little too heavy for the warmer months. I decided to try out this muslin blanket for a "cooler" option and I LOVE it!!! I went with the twin size versus the throw size because I know muslin can shrink when you dry it. It is the perfect weight for the summer! You can find it HERE!
We have been sprucing up our backyard and the deck area around our pool the past few weeks. We are almost done- Aaron has one more project to finish! 
We re-painted our Adirondack chairs and I wanted to get new outdoor pillows for them.
I went with these black and white pillow covers. They come in a set of two! They are very well made and even slightly water repellant! I really love the way they look on our chairs!! You can find them HERE!
I bought this set of 4 outdoor pillow inserts for the pillow covers! You can find them HERE!

This is my FAVORITE facial scrub!! I had Aaron try it out and he loved it so much! This is a pretty big endorsement considering the only thing he uses in the shower is Dove Men's 3 in 1 shower gel! HA! 
He now has his own scrub on his side of the shower :) You can find it HERE!
And last but not least- I ordered myself a 3rd pair of the BEST leggings EVER. These are the "HeyNuts Essential Workout Legging" and you can find them HERE. I know everyone has their "go-to" pair of leggings- and these are mine!! I wore them to a doctor appointment recently and my doctor's PA asked me what brand of leggings I was wearing!! She loved them! They really are SO good!

And there you have it! My random Amazon purchases as of the past couple of weeks! 

Hope you have the BEST day!!

Thanks for hosting this fun Link-Up Tanya!



  1. These are great finds...thanks for linking up! I'm definitely checking out that lightweight blanket!

  2. My kids would love that blanket! They were all Spring babies so that soft muslin material made for the best Summer swaddles. Our outdoor chairs could use a fresh coat of paint this Summer!! We get full sun and they get roasted. Do you have a favorite outdoor paint for your chairs?


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