Having to make tough choices...

Hi Friends! Hope this finds you having a great morning/day!!
I had originally had a different post planned for today...but some unfortunate circumstances have changed the tone and topic of my post.

I started blogging 1 1/2 years ago, with NO idea what I was doing (still don't have a clue! HA!) and absolutely no "connections" to the blogging world.  I just started writing and I was thrilled when I began to receive the kindest and most supportive comments from a woman named Leigh.  Well, fast forward to now and I am so happy to say that Leigh and I have formed such a lovely friendship through the world of blogging. We have never met in person- but I can guarantee you if and when we do ever meet up- we will probably talk for 6 straight hours before even taking a break! HA!

You can imagine how disappointed and upset I was when Leigh shared with me this past weekend that she has made the decision to shut down her blog. I know so many of you are readers of "Balancing By Faith" and that is why I wanted to share her story here today:

Dear Friends,

I have made some great friendships and connections through my blog, Balancing By Faith, and I am so thankful for everyone who has read and been a part of my blog! I would not claim to be a "Mama Bear" as I generally allow my kids to learn and battle situations on their own.  I do not step in or fight for them - until the point they cannot fight for themselves.  Unfortunately my blog has been attacked in such a significant way that the Mama Bear must fight and protect the ones I love the most.  At this time we have shut down Balancing By Faith, maybe forever, or possibly until we know more.  I can tell you for certain, I am forever changed and will never again be innocent to the evil of our world.  I am holding tight to Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for a hope and a future".  We appreciate all of your support and prayers for our family. I would love to stay connected - email me at balancingbyfaith@gmail.com.

God Bless,

Please make sure to keep Leigh in your thoughts and prayers as she navigates how to handle the issues that caused her to shut down her blog.
The internet is such an incredible phenomenon, but unfortunately with so much good comes plenty of evil as well. Along with other situations that have happened in the blogging world, Leigh's situation has definitely caused me to re-evaluate certain things I am willing to share here on my blog. It is such a tough balance to find- being protective of your family and their privacy- but also wanting to remain transparent and openly share about things that mean the most to you!
My hope is that this tiny corner of the internet can continue to be a fun, light hearted space where I can ramble how my life- and in doing so- spread some positivity and love to the people who are reading it. I know that is what Leigh loved the most about writing for her blog and it was what she will miss the most too. Please be sure to keep in touch with her!!

I hope you have the BEST day and I will see you back here tomorrow!
I have a fun weekly Walmart find to share with you! :)


  1. Justine. My heart is broken. I read Leigh's blog every day. My heart hurts for hurt and her family. Why are people so mean?? I will be praying for her.
    Please let me know if I can help in any way.

    1. Heather- I KNOW. So sad she had to make the choice to shut down her blog. I completely understand though!! You do what you have to do to protect your family!

  2. I am so sad about this. Keeping Leigh and her family in my prayers!

  3. I am so sad to hear about this. I feel so bad for Leigh and her family. This situation really is any blogger's worst nightmare. I have switched my blog back and forth many times to "private," and try to be really careful about what I put out there. But I guess you really can't be too careful. I hope her family is ok and not to upset about this.

  4. I feel like I am clueless but I cannot imagine what could have happened!! But I'm sending prayers because it sounds bad :(

  5. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this! One of my best friends from blogging, had something happen to her & her children a few months back. That's the reason I took my blog private. So, so scary!

  6. I hate hearing stories like this because I've made so many sweet friends through blogging! A blog friend of mine made the decision to go private with her blog to protect her family earlier this year. Thinking of your friend Leigh and you've got me thinking about my blog and any changes I need to make.

  7. Justine - I am so thankful for your support and all the amazing bloggers I have connected with. Thank you for taking the time to share this with your readers- and my only hope is through my experience I will have been able to protect my family before it was too late and that someone else will be sure to be very cautious with that they keep public versus private. Thankful for you!!

  8. I just don't understand why evil and ugliness has to touch even the blog world. Everyone I know of that is a bloggers the most genuine desires when they share their lives online. It's a same that someone is mistreating that.

  9. Justine -

    I read both yours and Leigh's blogs and had no idea what happened to Balancing By Faith until today - I somehow missed this blog post. Thanks for letting us know - I had wondered what happened and am glad that is seems all are healthy although I am so sad that something happened to cause Leigh to shut down her blog. Again, thank you.


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