Tuesday Talk: Happy Valentine's Day!

Hi Friends! Happy Valentine's Day!!
Do you have any fun plans for today??

We had a fun Valentine's breakfast this morning (mini powdered and chocolate donuts for the win!) and the kids woke up to a couple little goodies. They were SO excited! I baked treats for all 3 of my daughters' classroom parties and I am volunteering today in my daughter Cora's class for her God's Love party :)
We are going to have a fancy family Valentine's dinner tonight...Aaron and I are having 
surf 'n' turf and I can't wait!
Such a fun, LOVE filled day!

In honor of this day of LOVE I thought I would share a little "love list."
I came up with 14 random things I love and that just make me happy!

1. Enjoying a cup of coffee in a pretty coffee mug
2. Snuggling under my favorite quilt my mom made me after it has been freshly washed.
3. Reading a new magazine I just got in the mail.
4. Working out and then having time to shower and get ready too!
5. Warm sunshine :)
6. Flip flops
7. The swishy sound of my boys' diapers
8. Eating lunch and reading my devotionals during my boys' nap time- when it is nice and quiet :)
9. Baking treats for others!
10. Jimmy Fallon, Ellen and Justin Timberlake
11. When the kids and I smell like Aaron's cologne after he has given us all a hug before he leaves for work :)
12. Hearing about the best part of my girls' day at school at the dinner table every night
13. When all the laundry baskets are EMPTY.
14. This blog! You!! All of your sweet comments and emails you send me make me SO happy!!
Now it's your turn!! Share a couple little things you "love" in the comments!! 
I love hearing about random things that make people happy!! :)

Hope you have the BEST day!!

Just a few things to remember for the Tuesday Talk link-up: 
Please follow your hosts in some way- we would love to connect with you!
- Visit the other links and leave some comment love.
- By linking up to this link party, you give us permission to feature an image on our blog and social media. Proper credit and links will be given!
- Remember to link back using the button or text link.
- Optional: On social media #TuesTalk as you share your post
Crystal at Hall Around Texas | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram 
Stephanie at Wife Mommy Me | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Becky at BYBMG | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Christina at Waltzing In Beauty | Pinterest | Instagram
Whitney at Polka-Dotty Place | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram

Full Hands Full Heart

Please follow your hosts in some way - we would love to connect with you! Considering visiting the other links and leave some comment love. By linking up to this link party, you give us permission to feature an image on our blog and social media. Proper credit and links will be given! Remember to link back using the button or text link. Optional: On social media #TuesTalk as you share your post.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Happy Valentine's Day! I always take my kiddos to chick fil a for a heart shaped biscuit!!
    Then we are having homemade lasagna for dinner! YUM!
    Hope you guys have so much fun at the class parties!

  2. Coffee in a pretty cup, freshly cleaned blankets and new magazines are always a favorite of mine as well. What a sweet post and I hope you and your family have a Happy Valentines Day!

  3. funny how it's the little things sometimes that we love the most like the swishy diaper sound. I think not hearing that little pitter patter of feet across the house early in the morning is something I'll always miss! Happy Valentines Day!

  4. I love the smell of coffee even though I don't like the taste of it. Especially if I'm traveling alone as it reminds me of my hubby. I love quiet time. I love long walks with my dogs.

  5. OMGoodness, YES!!! The swish of a diaper as those little buns go walking by - love!!!

  6. What a sweet list!! I agree with the reading during nap time, snuggling under a quilt and coffee in a pretty mug. It just tastes better doesn't it :) I love iced coffee, getting snail mail, clean sheets and sprinkles.


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