Tuesday Talk!

Hi friends!! Happy Tuesday!!

How was your weekend??
Is your week off to a good start?

We have been movin' and groovin' the last few days! My three youngest kiddos and I went on a little trip last Thursday and arrived home on Saturday- just in time to spend the day celebrating my precious daughter Celine's 5th birthday! Mother's Day was a lovely day filled with special handmade cards, some super fun, thoughtful gifts, a couple really good tantrums, some tears (thankfully none shed my me! HA!), a delicious dinner and one tired/happy/grateful mama at the end of the day. HA! It was a day that TRULY represented what motherhood looks like, at least for me ;) and I am so very thankful for my perfectly IMPERFECT life!!

One of my Mother's Day "surprises" were these beautiful flowers!
Aaron and the girls picked out these gorgeous roses and put them in several different mason jars (the pink carnations were left over from Charlotte's First Communion last weekend) and I just LOVE how bright and cheerful they are!! 
PSA: These roses are from ALDI!!! If you haven't bought flowers from Aldi before- you should start NOW! They always have several different types of bouquets- including 1/2 dozen roses for $3.99!! 
Just reason #427 why my love for Aldi runs deep :)

So- a couple weeks ago I shared about this journal I got for my oldest daughter- we are still loving it and I would highly recommend it for any of you looking for another way to communicate with your school-age daughter!
Well- Charlotte just received another wonderful book from my sister-in-law and brother for her First Communion and I just had to share it! 
You can find it HERE on Amazon- they have several versions of this devotion- including one for teens, boys, women, men and families! 
The girls and I have been reading a devotion from this book every morning before school and we are LOVING it! I especially love the message that is shared and the way the prayers and devotion are written are SO perfect for school age girls. If you are looking for a way to connect with your daughter (or son)- or maybe looking for a devotion for yourself- check out all the 3-minute devotion books!
Now that the sun is FINALLY rising before 7 am again, I went for an early morning run yesterday and it was AMAZING. I found this quote on Pinterest and it couldn't be more true of the feelings I have when I am ona a "sunrise" run!!
Just curious- anyone else out there love morning runs??
My neighbor gets up every morning at 5 am and runs with her friend- it's not only their time to exercise- but their time to chat!!
She has invited me to join them several times...and I always politely decline :)

A little random fact about me: I LOVE people- just NOT when I am working out. HA! 
I like to do my own thing and if you try to talk to me- I just pretend like I can't hear you;)
The only person I will workout "with" is my husband- and that's only because he's the exact same way. HA!

Okay...this turned into another one of my rambling, random posts...it's just what I do best :)

Hope you have a fabulous day!!
Now...just a few things to remember for the Tuesday Talk link-up: 

Please follow your hosts in some way- we would love to connect with you!
- Visit the other links and leave some comment love.
- By linking up to this link party, you give us permission to feature an image on our blog and social media. Proper credit and links will be given!
- Remember to link back using the button or text link.
- Optional: On social media #TuesTalk as you share your post
Hosted By:
Beth at Our Pretty Little Girls | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Crystal at Hall Around Texas | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram 
Stephanie at Wife Mommy Me | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Becky at BYBMG | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Christina at Waltzing In Beauty | Pinterest | Instagram
Whitney at Polka-Dotty Place | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram

Full Hands Full Heart

Thank you for joing Tuesday Talk. Considering visiting the other links and leave some comment love. By linking up to this link party, you give us permission to feature an image on our blog and social media. Proper credit and links will be given! Remember to link back using the button or text link. Optional: On social media #TuesTalk as you share your post.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Ha! I work out in a small gym and classes usually have about 7-8 people but when I started going I went with friends who have all quit, and to be honest I don't mind one bit! I love working out on my own and definitely get a better workout in bc I'm more focused.

  2. I wish I had people to run with me in the morning (fear of being kidnapped is strong). Actually, our schedule doesn't allow for me to run in the A.M. during the week, but I do on the weekends. Morning runs are THE best way to start your day! And those flowers are GORGEOUS!

  3. I am the SAME way with working out. I like being by myself and being able to zone out. Plus, I am usually so out of breath that talking to someone is not going to happen. Just give me my music and a path to run on and I am good to go. I love that quote. I cannot wait until summer break so I can start my morning off with a good run. Happy Tuesday!

  4. Those flowers Justine! They are so pretty! And what a great price for them. But unfortunately we don't have any Aldi's here. I know your love for Aldi runs deep!!! =)

    I hope you have a great day!!!

  5. I just ordered the devotions book for boys. Thanks!

  6. Those flowers are gorgeous! Great job, girls. I also don't love working out with friends. I'll work out with Kevin or walk with the kids, but I appreciate the alone time. I'll have to think about adding some early morning walks to my summer routine since Kevin will have a more relaxed schedule. Good idea!


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