Hello Monday!!!

Hi friends!!

Happy Monday!!
I sure hope you had a great weekend!!

I wanted to let you know about a super fun FALL recipe swap some of my favorite friends/bloggers and I are doing on October 17!! I am joining up with EricaJohannah, Tanya, Heather and Erin to host a link-up where all we do is share our FAVORITE fall/winter/comfort-food/cold weather recipe :)  It doesn't have to be "fall specific"- we just want it to be a recipe that we can all mark down to make as we enter into these colder weather months!  Desserts, appetizers, main dishes...anything goes!! We hope you will join us on October 17!! Just post your recipe and include this graphic!! That's it!

Speaking of food...I thought it would be fun to show you my most recent Aldi haul! I did my weekly shopping there on Saturday and while I was putting my groceries away- I snapped some pictures of all the things I bought!

First up- these were 2 of my fun "special" purchases :)
My daughter really wanted to try the pumpkin spice bagels...which by the way are DELICIOUS and a 6 pack of yummy beer for Aaron. If you are from Texas, you probably know all about Shiner Bock- it's a beer made in Shiner, TX. This Broegel Bock Beer is an almost identical match to Shiner Bock and Aaron loves it! He normally drinks good ol' Coors Light...so I thought he might like this little surprise!
The bagels were $1.99 and the beer was $6.99!
 The other other "fall" purchase I made was this door mat!! My girls actually found it in the seasonal aisle and said, "Mom- you need this for the front porch!!" 
It was $6.99- which is a total steal!!
Next up are just some random snacks I buy every week for the kids. This is not ALL of them- but definitely a good portion of them. 
Fruit pouches: $1.49 
6 pack of individual raisins: $0.95
Goldfish: $1.78
Individual bags of teddy grahams: $3.99
6 pack of individual applesauce cups: $1.19
Granola Bars: $1.09 
 So what I thought might be helpful is to show you the meals I have planned out for the week- utilizing all of the groceries I bought from Aldi!
I will also share the cost of everything!!!

Meal #1:
Chicken fingers- $4.99
(I will make the whole box for my family and we usually have about 4 leftover)
Baby carrots: $0.79 (we don't eat the whole bag at one meal- HA!)
Ranch dressing for dipping: $2.99 for the HUGE bottle
Applesauce for the kiddos: $1.89 (for the huge tub- we obviously get SEVERAL servings out of one tub!)
*I usually have a big salad with leftover chicken breast or lunchmeat turkey on this night and Aaron has his chicken tenders either over a salad or in a tortilla wrap with lettuce and a little bit of ranch- we modify some of our meals to make them a little more adult friendly sometimes! HA!)*

Meal #2:
Burgers and Fries!
- Ground 90/10 Sirloin- 2.29 pounds for $9.16
- Canned green beans: $0.36 each
- Shoestring fries: $1.99
- Hamburger Buns: $0.65
Meal #3:
- Grilled Chicken and Veggies!
- Thin Sliced Chicken Breasts- 2.33 pounds for $11.16
- Pack of Zucchini: $1.49
- Same tub of applesauce :)
- Can of corn: $0.36
- Italian Dressing for marinading the chicken (not sure of the price because I didn't buy any this week and don't have it on my receipt- but it is for SURE under a $1.00 for a bottle)

A little tip for yummy chicken- right when you get home from the store- put your chicken in a ziploc bag and dump in your favorite seasonings and marinades. Pop it in the fridge or if you are not having it for a couple of days- put it in the freezer! We are having our chicken this upcoming Sunday- so I have it all ready to go!  I will pull it out of the freezer Sunday morning and let it thaw all day- and it will be ready to grill Sunday evening!
*Aaron and I will just have grilled chicken and grilled zucchini for this dinner. The kiddos aren't a fan of zucchini so they get corn and applesauce!*

Meal #4
Meatball Subs!
- Fresh Made Meatballs (found in the meat section): $2.99 for a dozen meatballs (I bought 2 packs and we will have leftovers for Aaron's lunches)
- Spaghetti Sauce: $0.89
- Muenster Cheese: $1.15
- Broccoli Florets (in a microwaveable steamer bag): $1.09 (we use two bags)
- Italian Rolls (I am unsure of the price on these- but I want to say they were between $2.00-$2.50 for 6 rolls)
And there you have it! A sampling of some of the frequent meals we have at our house- with all of the items coming from Aldi! 
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is: "So do you really buy ALL of your food from Aldi??" 
And the answer is- Almost!! :) 
I buy about 90% of it from Aldi and the other 10% from Walmart. I hope this post gave you some good ideas for meals!! I know some of you have told me shopping at Aldi feels a little weird just because you don't really know what you are looking for...I get it! HA!
Hopefully this post will help you out and you can be on the lookout for some of these items!

Hope you have the BEST day!

Linking up with Heather, Johannah, and Lindsay today for Hello...Monday!!


  1. I can't wait for our recipe swap. I loved seeing your meal plans from Aldi! Great idea to lay out the ingredients like that. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Love seeing your tips from Aldi. I really do get confused when I go in there. HA.

    1. It takes a little getting used to...but so worth it for all the money you can save!

  3. Wyatt & I are heading to Aldi today! We all love the vodka spaghetti sauce. It might be one of the specialty/premium items. I've stocked up on them.

  4. Why don't we have any Aldi's here in Maine! I think that needs to change ASAP!

    1. I feel bad every time I post about Aldi because I know you don't have one!!! :(
      They need to get ON IT and get one up there!!!! :)

  5. I wish we had an Aldi's. Thank you so much for sharing your meal plan!

  6. Love this post and thank you for the meal ideas! :)

  7. Yummy!! I loved seeing how you put together entire meals from Aldi. I really need to try some of their meats - those meatballs look amazing and so do those thin chicken breasts. Headed to Aldi tomorrow to look for some of these things. My sister was just telling me about the Aldi outdoor rugs for Fall. I hope my store has them!

  8. I love this! So helpful, please continue to share your Aldi finds and meal planning ideas :)

  9. Love Aldi! Great meal planning ideas. Have a great week!

  10. That all looks delicious and like some meals my kids would actually eat! We rarely shop Aldi's; I love it but our local store is so small that I can not get enough food there to last a week.


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