Friday Favorites!
Hi friends!!
Happy Friday!! PHEW!! It was quite a week at our house!!
We're ending it on a high note with all of the girls having their first day of school!
James went to school (he is in preschool at the same school the girls go to) yesterday for a couple hours and today the girls go for a half day. On Monday, all 4 of them will go all day!
I can't believe our summer break is went by SO fast. But we had a TON of fun, did more traveling than we've ever done before and went to the pool all.the.time. It was just a great summer!
Thank goodness it's still hotter than hot here in North Carolina..while summer break is officially over...I am not ready for summer to be over. I LOOOOVVEE hot, sunny days!!!
How was your week? If you have kiddos, have they gone back to school yet?
It's time to share some favorites of mine from this past week!!
The girls wanted to bring their teachers a little treat on the first day of school, so we spent Tuesday afternoon baking pumpkin bread! Our absolute FAVORITE recipe for pumpkin bread is from one of my favorite people, Johannah! You can get her amazing recipe HERE.
To make 8 mini loaves plus one regular sized loaf, we doubled the recipe!
To accompany their teachers' pumpkin bread, the girls wrote their teachers letters and they were just so sweet and excited. I love that my kids love school so much!!
As long as we don't have something else going on, we always take the kids out on Saturday morning to get some kind of exercise. Sometimes we run laps, sometimes we "power" walk and sometimes we go on easy hikes. This past Saturday we tried out a new hiking trail that branched off of the walking trail we were on and we had such a FUN time! The mosquitoes were horrible and it was super hot...but we just kept moving and laughed a lot and before we knew it- we had finished the trail! One of my most FAVORITE things to do is be active with my family...I am so thankful we are healthy and able to get out and move our bodies!
So. CUTEST thing ever is happening at my house. My oldest daughter has started a business and invited her sisters to be her business partners. She has written out a "business" plan, she is creating inventory and has given her sisters specific jobs.
It is SO awesome to see her organize all of this totally on her own!
She has asked Aaron and I questions here and there...and we give her our "business advice," but for the most part...everything has been totally done by her!

Charlotte is crocheting scrunchies and tasseled bookmarks. She is also making a couple tassel necklaces as "prototypes" to see if anyone is interested in buying them!!
Her brand is "Crocheted Creations" and she has about 10 scrunchies ready to sell at school!
The girls have spent the past couple of days packaging their "products" and they are SO excited.
I can't tell you how much it makes my heart swell to see my girls grow up into these creative, independent young little women that are just doing amazing things!!
It has been a couple weeks since April shared the devastating news that her precious daughter, Charlotte, has a rare and terminal disease, Leukodystrophy. There has just been an INCREDIBLE outpouring of support and love for the whole family and it has just made my heart, while still broken for April and Ian (and the rest of their family), filled with so much joy to see the astounding amount of people praying, giving and donating not only money but their time and talent
! If you are on Instagram, be sure to follow April's account @charlottesjoy. April is bravely and generously sharing their journey with Charlotte and it is inspiring to be able to witness the love and devotion they have for their precious Charlotte.
Also- if you feel led...please consider donating to Charlotte's Go Fund Me account. There is a goal of $100,000 to be raised to help cover the EXTENSIVE medical bills April and Ian will incur and because of people's AMAZING generosity...that goal is not FAR from being met!!
And finally..if you are looking for other ways to support the hashtag #CLTforcharlotte on Instagram. There are sooo many small businesses contributing part of their sales to the Robson's!!
I can tell you..April is SO very appreciative of your support, kind, encouraging words and especially of your prayers. This online community is so incredible and I humbly ask you to keep praying your hearts out for my dear friend, her precious Charlotte, her husband and her other 2 sweet babies.
We have a low-key weekend ahead of us...Aaron is on call all the kiddos and I will be flying solo tomorrow and a good portion of Sunday. I promised the girls we would do "makeup" tomorrow afternoon while their brothers had nap and quiet time. I need to get us ORGANIZED because we have our first full week of school next week plus I have several days of training for a new (!!) job I am starting! I am especially excited about our monthly date night that is scheduled for tomorrow night. We have plans to grab a quick, inexpensive dinner and then go to a couple of stores that we avoid when we have our 5 hooligans with us. HA! You can just call us the most ROMANTIC and EXCITING couple EVER. HA!
What are you up to this weekend?? Any fun plans??
I hope you have a FABULOUS Friday and a WONDERFUL weekend!
Now I'm craving pumpkin bread!! Those mini loaf pans are so sweet. I'll have to look for some. I usually send in cookies to Olive's teachers so bread would be a fun treat. Love that sweet business your girls have got going. So creative!! Hope you enjoy your date night and have a wonderful weekend. We are sticking close to home this weekend and going to enjoy taking it easy :)
ReplyDeleteWhat lucky teachers to get yummy pumpkin bread and homemade cards. I love that your daughter is working so hard at starting her own business and that she included her sisters. I wish her lots of success!
ReplyDeleteLove the girls little business. So sweet!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend.