Favorite Makeup Products!

Hey hey friends!!
Happy Wednesday!! How is your week going so far??
Everything is going well at our house...I am still not adjusted to how DARK it is at 5:30 pm...but other than that- it's been a good normal week!

So....I don't get asked about much. I will get a random question here and there- but I am not in a position where I can I say, "Everyone is wanting to know about _____" 
I am just not that popular. HA!

The one thing that multiple people do ask me about- on a pretty regular basis- is what kind of makeup I use!  I finally took the time to take pictures of all of my products and I am going to share them with you today!

There is nothing professional about this post. As I was putting on my makeup this past Sunday, before church, I literally snapped a picture of everything I used. These are my actual products- so they are USED and well loved- as evidenced in the pictures! :)

I am going to share the products in the order I put them on!

First up- is concealer and "foundation." A couple months ago, this Lancome concealer was 50% off at Ulta. I was curious about it- so I bought it- and I LOVE it! I use it under my eyes and blend it in with a beauty blender sponge. For my foundation, I use this Missha magic cushion foundation. It is a light- medium coverage foundation and I use this brush to apply it on my face. 
After my concealer and foundation has been applied and blended, I use the Airspun loose face powder and this Moira waterproof setting powder to "set" my concealer and foundation. I like a more matte look- and using these two powders achieve that look for me! I apply both of these powders with a big fluffy brush. Here's the one I use!
Next up is bronzer and blush! I love this Island Queen bronzed goddess duo from Moira! For blush- I love this cream blush from Moira. I just put on a few little dabs of the blush after I have applied my bronzer! 
Now onto eyes! I am OBSESSED with these eyeshadow "stix" from Colourpop!! I found them at Ulta- but I just recently saw that Target is also carrying them! And added bonus- I just checked Target's website and Colourpop cosmetics are on sale this week! You can find the eyeshadow "stix" HERE on Target's website and HERE on Ulta's website!
I am also in LOVE with Colourpop's eye shadow palettes. Feeling Bubbly is my FAVORITE!
I first use an eyeshadow stick- or I may even blend two colors together. Then, I will then go over the cream eyeshadow with one or two of the colors from my eye shadow palette. I don't really have a set method- I just decide what colors I am in the mood for that day and then go with it!
This is my TRIED AND TRUE eyeliner. I have been using this for years. It is cheap, it blends great and it stays put! You can find it HERE! I use the color "blackest black."
After I have done my eyeliner- it's time for mascara!
This is my current combo. HA! Yes. I use three different mascaras- and I use them in this specific order :)

Lash princess curl and volume can be found HERE
Lash paradise can be found HERE
Lash princess false lash effect can be found HERE
And for lips- I either put on vaseline, chapstick or some of this Maybelline lipgloss! I love this lipgloss and so do all of my daughters!!

And there you have it! My favorite makeup products that I use every day!

I love makeup. I have since I was in 7th grade! I love trying new products, I love playing around with different eyeshadow colors...it's all SO fun to me!! 
I put on makeup every day. It makes me feel put together. When I feel put together, I am productive and I feel good about myself. I am a firm believer that when you look good, you FEEL good and you DO good.

I know putting on a full face of makeup isn't for everyone - but even just a little bronzer, a small amount of a pretty eyeshadow and some mascara can make such a difference in how you FEEL!
I hope ya'll enjoyed this post and maybe even found a couple new makeup products that you want to try out!!

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!!


  1. I am STILL using that eyeliner after your recommendation years ago. It's the best. I love those mascaras, and never thought of layering them. I also bought the eye shadow sticks recently and like them. Thanks for all the tips.


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