What's Up Wednesday!!

 Happy Wednesday!!!

How is it the LAST Wednesday of NOVEMBER??? 

So excited to be linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday!

What we're eating this week...As always- our menu for the week is all about SIMPLE and EASY meals! Especially after the Thanksgiving holiday!Here's what our family will be eating this week!
 What I'm reminiscing about...well...it is my oldest daughter's birthday today!! She is FIFTEEN!! So I have been reminiscing about her!! Just a few days ago, my husband and I were talking about when we found out we were pregnant with her....when she got baptized...when she started kindergarten. It is all still SO FRESH in my memory. And I am so grateful for that! 
It has been the joy of my life to be her mom and I have truly loved every minute of it!! 

What I am loving....I am loving my LIFE! I have always had a disposition of gratitude and optimism..but especially over this last year, I have made a decision to be acutely aware of the goodness and abundance that surrounds me. And it has really been SO life giving!
What we've been up to...LOTS of family time!! Which makes my heart so so happy.
My mom hosted Thanksgiving at her new house and it was just SO fun. We hung out with my mom and my brother's family for a good portion of the Thanksgiving break and it was just my FAVORITE! AND my husband was home for a couple extra days- which was SO amazing. I just love being surrounded by my people!
What I'm dreading...I am not dreading anything! I will say- I REALLY dislike the early darkness that comes with the winter months. I literally start thinking about going to be at 5:00 pm. HA! 

What I'm working on...I need to get started on my Christmas baking! I give our school administrators cookie boxes - and between the two schools my kids go to- I have about 10 cookie boxes I need to make! I better get baking!! HA!
What I am watching/reading...I am watching nothing. HA! We are invested in the latest season of The Great British Bake Off- so we have been watching that on Friday nights. Otherwise- we are pretty desperate for our Chicago shows and Blue Bloods to come back!!! In an attempt to try to get back into reading (I am just really not a reader!!!) - I just checked out some Nancy Thayer books from the library. 
First on my list to read is, "Let It Snow." I just need to sit down and start reading it!! 
What I am listening to...CHRISTMAS MUSIC!! I have multiple Christmas playlists on Pandora that I love! One of my favorites is "Classical Christmas." I will play that while I am drinking my coffee early in the morning and it is just the absolute BEST.

What I'm wearing...nothing exciting or notable. HA! I have 5 sweaters and several sweatshirts I wear over and over again once the weather gets cold. The one item that I recently bought was a pair of these leggings. As soon as I wore them- I promptly bought another pair- because they are SO GOOD. I don't own a pair of Lululemon leggings- which are supposed to be the gold standard of leggings- BUT- I would argue that these are just as good if not better!! I own them in the "cassis" and "dark olive" colors! The only issue I have with them is the brand name. HA! Why did they think it was a good idea to name their company "Hey Nuts?!?"

What I'm doing this weekend...celebrating!! We have plans to go bowling for my daughter's 15th birthday- which is TODAY! My daughters and I are also going to a baby shower for a very good friend- which we are SO excited about. Side note- what do you wear to a winter baby shower? I don't want to wear jeans. I have a lot of dresses- but all of my bright and happy dresses (which is what I would typically wear to a baby shower) are short/short sleeved/sleeveless. All of my winter dresses are depressing colors. HA! On a whim, I ordered this dress...I am hoping it fits! Dresses this style can sometimes be too short on me.
What I'm looking forward to next month...a super fun birthday party for one of my most favorite friends! It's a surprise and I am just giddy with excitement:)
 And then of course...all things CHRISTMAS! 
I just found out that my sister in law and nephew will be coming to celebrate Christmas with us- which makes me SO happy! My brother is a doctor and has to work the Christmas holiday...so he won't be coming- which is a huge bummer...BUT- I am SO thankful to get some special time with my precious nephew!!

What else is new...I mentioned in last month's "What's up Wednesday" we were looking for a car that will be the "family car" all of our kids will drive. After A LOT of searching- we found a 2018 Honda Pilot in AMAZING condition and got an awesome price on it. Shout out to my husband for being the ultimate negotiator! Also- I need to shout out Kelly, the Car Mom- for sharing so much great advice regarding cars and purchasing them. My husband is very knowledgeable when it comes to buying cars- but even he learned some things from Kelly! Through her advice, we were really able to narrow down exactly what we wanted in regard to size of car, safety and technology features and price! You can find Kelly here on Instagram and here is the link to her blog!! 
And now the fun begins! My daughter gets her learner's permit on Friday and we will be taking the family car out for lots of learning opportunities. It's so exciting (and TERRIFYING)!  
And that's it for today!!  
Hope you have the most WONDERFUL Wednesday!!



  1. Your meal plan & those cookies look so good!

  2. Thanks for the tip on the pandora station. Great find with the Honda Pilot!

  3. I bet those cookie boxes are a huge hit! Let It Snow was such a cute novel. I keep saying that one of these years I will make it over to Nantucket for their stroll weekend... they sound so fun and festive in the books.


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