What's Up Wednesday!

 Hey Hey Happy Wednesday!!! How is it the LAST Wednesday in February??
What a short and sweet month! :)

So excited to be linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday today!

What we're eating this week...Our menu for the week is all about SIMPLE and EASY meals! Here's what our family will be eating this week!
 What I'm reminiscing about...we are coming up on the three anniversary of moving into our house and I was just thinking about ALL the work we had done prior to moving into our house and all the work we have done in the past three years. We literally have not left one space of our house untouched. Aaron has done SO SO much work. Remodeling and house projects always feel a smidge overwhelming...but they are SO SO worth it. There is not a day that goes by where I don't look around my house and just feel SO much gratitude. I love our home SO much!
These photos aren't great quality because I took screen shots of videos I shared on Instagram..but you get the idea :)
And this our front living room that I like to call the reading room :)
What I am loving....my kids. They are at SUCH fun ages. There are so many questions, so many conversations, SO many learning opportunities. LOTS of PARENTING going on at our house. Never a dull moment! HA!
What we've been up to...We've just been doing "regular" life! We've been at my mom's house the last couple of weekends helping her with some things and when Aaron has any leftover free time- he is working on finishing a garage addition he added to our house! We have a two car garage- but REALLY wanted a third garage for all the kids' stuff, our lawnmower, pool vacuum...you know ALL THE THINGS. We went through the approval process with our HOA to add on an additional space to our garage- which felt like we were trying to pass a bill in Congress. HA! Aaron designed and has built the whole thing by himself. It is SO much bigger than I thought it would be and has opened up so much space in our "regular" garage! This is 43- getting super excited about a garage addition. HA!
What I'm dreading...nothing!!! :)
What I'm working on...nothing specific! I always feel like I am working on staying on top of our family's needs. I always feel like I am working on a meal plan for dinners :) I always feel like I am working on keeping up with my everyday house cleaning and my deep cleaning jobs. February is a quieter month for me and I really enjoy that. I feel like I can just stay on top of every day life stuff and not have to manage too much "outside" of our family and home. 
What I am watching/reading...Aaron and I are SO happy our "Chicago" shows are back! And so is Blue Bloods!! I love that show so much.
 And I am so sad that this is the last season :(  
I am not reading anything. I feel so out of the loop because I see SO many people reading SO many books. And I am over here not even opening up a book. HA!

What I am listening to...all of my favorite songs! I have several different playlists I have created on Pandora and I love coming across a new songs that I can add! My favorite podcast continues to be The Carpool Podcast- I just love Kelly and Liz! 

What I'm wearing...I am just not your girl for fashion tips. HA! I have been wearing comfy hoodies, leggings and my fun Nikes that my husband got me for Christmas. Winter clothes are NOT my favorite. All I want to be is warm and cozy. I just need it to get a little bit warmer and I will start wearing more of a variety of clothing. HA!
What I'm doing this weekend...I am headed to East Carolina University for a piano competition! My youngest daughter has been working so hard to compete in this piano "festival." She is incredibly nervous- but I know she is going to do amazing. I am just so proud of the fact that she is being brave enough to participate in the competition!! 

What I'm looking forward to next month...We are "springing forward" our clocks in just a couple of weeks and I am just so so happy:) The days are just better when it is lighter out longer!! 
What else is new...not much!! The next few weeks are pretty low key for us- and I am totally good with that! Things start to get much busier in April and May. We have lots of events and celebrations coming up! 
And that's it for today!!  
Hope you have the most WONDERFUL Wednesday!!



  1. Love your kitchen! Gorgeous! Sounds like an awesome month! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Morgan!!! It was a big project and we loved how it turned out! :)

  2. Soooo glad you are back to blogging. I look forward to reading your posts! 😀 I much prefer the “real life” blogs over the blogs that push all. the. stuff. 🙃 Will you be posting about your move and you new house? The home improvement projects look great!

    1. thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. It means a lot to know you enjoy reading my blog! We moved into our house 3 years ago- so not recently!! I have shared some "before" and "afters" here and there- but if that's interesting to you- I could do a more comprehensive post on all the projects we done! :)

    2. That would be great! Thanks!

  3. I just love your house and everything y'all have done!!


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